While our panel is scattered, enjoy a Bonus Credit-style arrangement of good conversation among brilliant friends. Featuring Frank’s SDCC misadventures, Brandon’s X-Men 97 opinions, and Tim’s pitch for the Bioshock movie.

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Horrifying Knowledge Regarding the Flapjack (00:54)

Brandon summons Frank specifically to inform him of another appalling revelation regarding the insidious British.

Ep. 348: Pre-show (07:12)

Frank is going to a cereal panel at San Diego Comic Con. Jaffe got a job as the official Question Answerer in the DC Comics Official Discord Server, and got Cool Gel Foam Headphone Pads. Tim demonstrates his lowly stature with his blown-out headphones, as a visual gag.

Ep. 348: Extended break (11:20)

Mimsy has excellent comic timing. Brandon needs a haircut. Frank would listen to some nerds talk about there being too much Star Trek, but is avoiding the Browncoat Meeting Room. Jaffe wonders what a Firefly fan is even like in 2024. Jim Henson is back now. We don’t know if Nurse Nancy can revive people from the dead.

Ep. 349: Pre-show (14:17)

Special guest Simon Parkin lives very close to The Repair Shop. Brandon enjoys the names of cities that are near rivers. Tim wishes he had a room.

Ep. 349: Extended break (17:11)

Tim believes the Dreamcast 2’s slogan should be “en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamcast” and invents a future Lightning Round in the process. Brief dog talk!

Ep. 349: Post-show (19:03)

Tim finds the perfect video game for Queen Elizabeth. Brandon thinks her tiktok channel would be pretty interesting.

Ep. 350: Pre-show (20:24)

Frank shows off a few of his purchases from his time at San Diego Comic Con, and shares a story about being behind enemy lines. Brandon briefly reviews X-Men 97. Funko fans are very special, and get it. Tim shares something with the panel but not with you, and has a very meticulous reason for it.

Ep. 351: Pre-show (32:16)

Brandon and Jaffe improvise some Seinfeld theme music. Tim’s dog smells unpleasant at time of recording. Frank shares his recommendation. Brandon shares one last Snake Break observation.

Ep. 352: Pre-show (35:59)

Tim wanted to talk about a few more Street Fighter games during the recent episode ranking them. Brandon always ends up making the same person when presented with a character creator. Tim shares what he considers the only way to do it, regarding character creators.

Ep. 352: Extended break (38:50)

Movie talk! Jack Black is in a bunch of video game movies. Frank is not eating pisketty. Brandon ponders the future of seafood. Tim gives his pitch for a Bioshock movie.

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Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original Music by Kurt Feldman.