Sniffing Other's Beers
Brandon Sheffield continues answering your questions about Japan, and finishes ranking non-alcoholic beers encountered in convenience stores.
Brandon Sheffield continues answering your questions about Japan, and finishes ranking non-alcoholic beers encountered in convenience stores.
Our most popular Insert Credit panel undergoes action experiences, chases down Chester Cheevos, and delivers judgments of gaucheness.
To kick off a new ongoing Insert Credit series, Brandon Sheffield reports from various locales around Tokyo, answering forum questions and reviewing non-alcoholic beers.
Your beloved Insert Credit Show panel convenes on topics such as Sony Zelda, the Buddha’s Pickle Rick era, and the return of Violence Island.
Phil Salvador, library director for the Video Game History Foundation, steps over to the panel for Maxis facts, Five Nights at Freddy’s lore, and pigeon kings.
Frightening Frank Cifaldi, Terrifying Tim Rogers, and Bone-chilling Brandon Sheffield rank every Resident Evil game after facing a gauntlet of qreepy questions by Affable Alex Jaffe.
Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield answer host Alex Jaffe’s questions and uncover the most Insert Credit thing to ever happen, the latest industry megamerger, and a giant cheese wheel.
Brandon reports on foot in Japan, bringing us along to retro game stores, surprise idol concerts, heist stories with chibi-tech and Playstation 2 discoveries with Colin Williamson.
Console modification expert Christa Lee joins our stateside panel to answer the same gauntlet of questions 8-4 Play faced in episode 307J.
8-4 Play (Tina Carter, Mark MacDonald and John Riccardi) serve as your panel with Brandon Sheffield as host, covering a barrage of questions about localization, the global nature of games, and Sans.
Journalist Shannon Liao joins the panel to cover game journalism, the Twitch meta, and hot sauce recommendations.
Insert Credit Scottish Correspondent Mathew Kumar joins the panel to answer MoxBagel’s questions on Dragon Quest’s art style, mutants without souls, and Zom Brady.
Unity was once heralded as the savior of the video game industry. Now I would not recommend that anyone use it for anything.
Journalist and Insert Credit favorite Ash Parrish returns to the panel as it covers Starfield’s launch, Soulslike sports games, and the perfect handheld console.
Game developer and streamer Max Krieger joins the panel to discuss booing Elon Musk, the worst year for video games in the 21st century, and Eurobeat.