Our most popular Insert Credit panel undergoes action experiences, chases down Chester Cheevos, and delivers judgments of gaucheness.

Questions this week:

  1. At what point does a strategy game become too complicated? (08:58)
  2. Is swimming in games ever good? (15:03)
  3. How long before release is the right time to announce your video game? (20:41)
  4. Where would you take Sonic and his friends if they were in town? (26:06)
    Insert Credit Quick Break: Transgender Day of Remembrance (32:32)
  5. Let’s talk about that Suicide Squad game and live service games (33:52)
  6. How would you name a new console to compete with the Xbox and Playstation? (42:02)
  7. If The Purge were real, how would that affect video games? (53:43)

LIGHTNING ROUND: Name Design - British Children’s TV Shows (submitted by LeFish) (58:41)

Recommendations and Outro (01:05:27)

Discuss this episode in the Insert Credit Forums



Brandon: Consider the blu-ray commentary for the first Resident Evil movie

Frank: Marvel Spider-Man 2

Tim: Band of Brothers, The Heroic Trio (1993)

This week’s Insert Credit Show is brought to you by Transgender Day of Remembrance, and patrons like you. Thank you.

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Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original Music by Kurt Feldman.