The leading minds in video games confer on past visual design choices, how bad minigames happen, and the Shenmue MMO, ShenMMO.

Questions this week:

  1. Brandon, can you defend this Game Developer Magazine cover? (08:03)
  2. Why do bad minigames happen? (16:39)
  3. What have you closed the door on in video games, both recreationally and professionally? (21:50)
  4. If you had to wear the same video game t-shirt every day and get complimented on it or you’d die, what would it be? (27:30) Insert Credit Quick Break: Legendary Puns (35:18)
  5. Chopemon asks: What video game “booms” have their been? (37:36)
  6. What is the getting to the bus stop at the exact same time as your bus of video games? (44:04)

LIGHTNING ROUND: GameFAQ&As - Minecraft (49:26)

Recommendations and Outro (51:47)

Discuss this episode in the Insert Credit Forums



Brandon: Spin-Clean Record Washers, wire folder racks to dry records, Crow Country

Frank: Once you’ve done the second thing in Animal Well you can youtube the rest, support video game preservation by buying a Thou Art Dead! shirt

Jaffe: 52 Pickup

This week’s Insert Credit Show is brought to you by Legendary Puns, and patrons like you. Thank you.

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Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original Music by Kurt Feldman.