Your Insert Credit Panel covers how a video game might be political, new games for dead consoles, and the Jaffe Cut of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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1: Are all video games inherently political? (04:58)

2: How do video game trailers lose you? (10:38)

3: Which game console has the best library of games released by third parties after its discontinuation? (15:37)

4: Design a new boot-up screen for the PlayStation 6 (21:00)

5: Captain asks, what makes a video game coin enjoyable to pick up? (27:17)

6: Frank, what can you tell us about the state of game preservation this year? (33:54)

LIGHTNING ROUND: GameFAQ&As - No Man’s Sky (39:25)

Credit Scores (42:51)

Recommendations and Outro (42:55):

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Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Ash Parrish, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original Music by Kurt Feldman.