The panel convenes to assess the Oofya, share controversial Klonoa opinions, and choose the first five video games to be given the Criterion Collection treatment.

Questions this week:

  1. What difficulty mode do you start games on? (00:42)
  2. How do you remedy the tone of Grand Theft Auto while maintaining crass irreverence? (05:53)
  3. How do you create urgency in a video game without an explicit timer? (16:35)
  4. What should Roblox replace its iconic “oof” noise with? (20:31)
  5. Jaffe Guesses the Golden Age of Konami – Round 4 (28:37)
  6. Tom asks: If the Criterion Collection were to release video games, what might the first five titles be, and what would the ideal special features be for each of them? (30:04)

LIGHTNING ROUND: The Inaugural Criterion Collection of Video Games (01:01:33)

Share your picks for games 6 and onward in the forums!



Tim: The Criterion Channel

Frank: Get some good sleep and poop on the regular

Brandon: If you drink wine buy a wine aerator, and if you live in the Bay Area buy Alvarrado Street bread

Jaffe: The Bear on FX

Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original Music by Kurt Feldman.